101 Bloor Street West
Toronto ON, M5S 0A1
P: 416-961-8800
Toll Free (Canada and U.S.A.): 1-888-534-2222
F: 416-961-8822

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Teachers chat with each other in a hallway

Find a Teacher

Teacher Education Providers

The College accredits full- and part-time teacher education programs in university faculties of education in Ontario. We also review and approve hundreds of Additional Qualification courses for teachers who want to add to their professional knowledge.

This section allows teacher education providers to manage accreditation applications and report qualifications that teachers have completed.

Manage Accreditation

Applications for accreditation of Additional Qualification courses and programs are submitted to the College using an online Accreditation Information Management System, or AIMS.

Each provider is given a unique password to access the system. Through AIMS, you can:

  • submit an application
  • manage your applications
  • renew an application.

Log on regularly to AIMS to monitor the status of your AQ courses or programs.

View the regulations that impact accreditation.

Providers may appeal a decision of the Accreditation Committee or the Registrar.

Reporting Qualifications

Are you a faculty of education at a university that provides a teacher education program?

Upload data about new graduates, additional basic qualifications and additional qualifications to the College. You can submit data, check your submission history or change your profile.

Please send reports immediately following the successful completion of the course or program.

Submit reports for new graduates or qualifications.

Review memorandums and announcements posted for providers.

Teachers embrace learning and take about 40,000 Additional Qualification courses a year.

You can find the qualifications, credentials and current status of every College member at Find a Teacher.

101 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, M5S 0A1

Client Services:

Telephone: 416.961.8800

Toll-Free (Canada and U.S.A.): 1.888.534.2222


All Other Inquiries:

Telephone: 437.880.3000

Toll-Free (Canada and U.S.A.): 1.833.966.5588


© 2025 Ontario College of Teachers

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