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Ontario Regulatory Body Fees

Ontario Regulatory Bodies Membership Fee Comparison: 2022 Membership Year

Regulator Regulated Profession Type  Fee Members Staff Operating Budget Staff to member ratio
College of Midwives of Ontario Health $2,703.00 1,100 13 $3,000,007.00 1:85
Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Health $2,510.00 10,650 135 $33,077,000.00 1:79
Law Society of Ontario (lawyers and paralegals) Non-health Lawyers:1 
C1: $2,048.69
C2: $1,024.35
C3: $512.17
C4: $204.87

C1: $1,079.15
C2: $539.58
C3: $269.79
C4: $107.92
Lawyers: 57,657


571 $118,100,000.00
College of Dental Technologists of Ontario Health $1,869.00 518 6 $1,034,326.00 1:86
College of Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario Health $1,725.00 43,402 390 $78,402,699.00 1:111
College of Chiropodists of Ontario Health $1,800.00 800 5 $1,814,904.00 1:160
College of Naturopaths of Ontario Health $1,685.00 1,574 17 $3,550,000.00 1:93
College of Veterinarians of Ontario Health $1,113.00 5,247 26 $5,571,612.00 1:202
Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario Non-Health $1,107.00 97,000 303 $111,100,000.00 1:320
College of Chiropractors of Ontario Health $1,100.00 4,495 12 $5,044,000.00 1:375
College of Denturists of Ontario Health $1,235.00 757 5 $1,291,672.00 1:151
College of Optometrists of Ontario Health $745.00 2,758 18 $2,880,351.00 1:153
Ontario Association of Architects Non-Health $937.00 4,792 33 $8,060,093.00 1:145
College of Psychologists of Ontario Health $795.00 4,794 23 $3,400,000.00 1:208
College of Massage Therapists of Ontario Health $797.00 15,300 51 $12,850,000.00 1:300
College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists of Ontario Health $780.00 4,814 17 $3,900,000.00 1:283
Ontario College of Pharmacists
(pharmacists and pharmacy technicians)
Health $891.00 and $445.00 19,933 152 $24,076,159.00 1:131
College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario Health $657.00 6,987 28 $4,700,000.00 1:250
College of Opticians of Ontario Health $867.00 3,202 13 $2,804,844.00 1:246
College of Kinesiologists of Ontario Health $650.00 2,932 9 $2,200,000.00 1:326
College of Respiratory Therapists of Ontario Health $650.00 3,930 12 $2,458,295.00 1:328
College of Dietitians of Ontario Health $641.00 4,520 17 $3,276,788.00 1:266
Professional Foresters Association Non-Health $620.00 586 3 $453,000.00 1:195
College of Physiotherapists of Ontario Health $575.00 10,571 37 $6,606,000.00 1:286
Human Resources Professional Association Non-Health $490.00 21,104 65 $15,071,020.00 1:325
Ontario Professional Planners Institute Non-Health $480.70 4,600 11 $3,060,706.00 1:418
College of Medical Radiation Technologists of Ontario Health $470.00 11,174 29 $4,762,376.00 1:385
Ontario Institute of Agrologists Non-Health $450.00 405 2 $120,000.00 1:203
Professional Geoscientists of Ontario Non-Health $420.00 3,800 7 $1,187,593.00 1:543
College of Dental Hygienists of Ontario Health $415.00 14,606 24 $6,500,000.00 1:609
Real Estate Council of Ontario Non-Health $390.00 104,339 144 $25,000,000.00 1:725
Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers Non-Health $360.00 27,154 39 $9,835,960.00 1:696
College of Nurses of Ontario Health $305.00 192,310 378 $58,422,000.00 1:509
Professional Engineers Ontario Non-Health $299.00 87,438 114 $30,500,000.00 1:767
Bereavement Authority of Ontario Non-Health $250.00 - $500.00 6,000 37 $3,710,811.00 1:162
Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists Non-Health $227.00 21,086 30 $7,300,000.00 1:703
Ontario College of Teachers* Non-Health $170.00* 232,744 186 $44,740,583.00 1:1251
College of Early Childhood Educators Non-Health $160.00 59,000 67 $11,000,000.00 1:881

*The annual membership fee for 2023 is $200.


  • Operating budgets have either been provided directly by the regulator, or were available in respective annual reports.
  • Member-to-staff ratios were calculated using complete staffing totals, which included full-time, part-time, contract and seconded employees.
  • All statistics are current – on a rolling basis – to Oct 26, 2022

1: Lawyers and paralegals are invoiced for fees once a year. The fee amount depends on the lawyer's or paralegal’s status and associated category at the time of billing. Status generally refers to the circumstances of the professional’s work (sole practitioner, employed in education/government/business sector, retired). Should a professional’s status change during the year, the fee category will be adjusted and a refund granted, if applicable. Find out more information about status, and the percentage fee breakdown.

101 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, M5S 0A1

Client Services:

Telephone: 416.961.8800

Toll-Free (Canada and U.S.A.): 1.888.534.2222


All Other Inquiries:

Telephone: 437.880.3000

Toll-Free (Canada and U.S.A.): 1.833.966.5588


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